Tuesday, July 31, 2007

New Shunt

I was one day off in counting, I didn't realize you could count the first day they took the culture, that made yesterday day #7 without any growing bacteria. Surgery for a new shunt was scheduled for noon today but around 10am they came in and said that O.R. was ready for him. In the days we've been here he has gotten to know these halls as well as we have. When we leave our room he can find it again. When we go for walks outside he knows how to get us back to the elevators and then back to our room. And when we turn down certain hallways he knows where we are going. This morning he wasn't happy about the turns we made. Surgery went well and the new shunt was placed a little higher than the last. They made a new incision instead of opening up the old again. I met him in recovery and he was not happy. He finally settled down and we were able to go back to our room. He was pretty ill again at that time and after a call to the NS to approve some morphine he settled down and wanted to play. Daddy was here by then and brought a present with him. We are in such trouble when we get home, he's been getting presents every day it seems. He appears to be pretty sore and he doesn't want to turn his head to the right, that is where the shunt is and the tube that goes from his shunt to his abdomen. This was a little puffy right after surgery but has since gone down. I think we are just going to keep him medicated tonight and see how he feels tomorrow. We're praying for a good day.


CarmenK. said...

Thank you for the update. Jackson is so smart- of course he knows his way around. I bet his E.I./ Teacher is really really proud of him!!!!! Remind him that I love him and Kara and Clay love him! Hope to see you at home soon!

Jeff, Susan & Kelsey said...

We've got our fingers crossed that this shunt and its placement will be the solution to Jackson getting better. And that you can all go home together very, very soon.

aunt cin said...

so glad that this surgery is done again. with this it seems to mean that your one step closer to going home. isn't that bed going to feel good at home? i was sorry to hear that Jackson was feeling some pain last night. it has to be awfully tough for you to watch him when he is sick. hopefully he is little enough to not remember the bad times of the last five weeks only the good times. you better keep getting him the presents tho because he has been the best little trooper with everything he has gone through. i will send him something special wrapped with a whole lot of love. keep in touch. love you lots and lots, cin