Friday, August 3, 2007

We're Home!!!

We are finally home! We were released this afternoon and got home around 3pm. Since then I think Jackson has played with just about every toy that he has. We played with play-doh, hit balls, played in the sandbox, went down the slide, went on the swings here and at the neighbors, drove his tractor, made a picture, jumped in his bed and hid in his closet. All in about 2 hours time. I think he was a little excited to be home. Bubba's not sure what to think about all this noise in the house again. It feels GREAT to be here! I'm sooo excited about sleeping in my own bed tonight even if it is only for a few hours. I'm not sure how Jackson will sleep and expect that he'll wake us on more than one occasion. Jackson came home with the PICC line in and we have to administer two different meds. One is every 8 hours and one is a horse size capsule that we are suppose to dissolve in something sweet. You think that would be easy for a toddler, but Jackson doesn't like sweets. We are going to try applesauce and hope that works. We'll have to do this for ten days and then we'll be able to go and get the PICC line taken out. Thank you for all the prayers. I can't even begin to imagine how many people were praying for him. I think that we will continue to post from time to time so everyone can check and see how Jackson is doing. It probably won't be as often as we did in the hospital but it is a good way to keep in touch with so many family and friends that live so far away. We wish we could see you all more but know that you are in our hearts and are thought of often.


CarmenK. said...

I am so HAPPY for you guys. I am glad to hear that Jackson is playing and back to his old self. I love you guys and can't wait to see you!!!

aunt cin said...

i am so glad that Jackson made it home today. it was an answer to prayer. it sounds like he will keep you quite busy in the days to come. enjoy the time. i still think he should have at least a couple of suprises after everything he's been through. new toys are always nice. i'm rooting for you Jackson!! love you all, cin

Unknown said...

Rest well.