Sunday, September 28, 2008


So it's been going on for awhile but this weekend has been an especially noisy one. It seems from the time Jackson gets up to the time he crashes at night his mouth is moving. It's my wake up call in the morning. Before I see him, I hear him. I'm not sure if he's talking to his animal friends, his baby or himself and I'm not even sure what he's saying or singing or even humming but it's my sign that he's awake. From then on I sometimes wonder if he even stops to breathe. His teacher commented the other day that she thinks he feels more comfortable in class because he is more open and vocal and he has "more energy" then she expected. Lately he's been cracking us up with some of the things he comes up with. Some I know are from cartoons but other's I'm just not sure. Here are a few:

The other day he and I were swinging then he stopped and breathed a big sigh then looks at me and says "kids". I nearly fell off the swing with laughter.

Last week after a drink or a snack he would say "that hit the spot".

A new favorite saying is "Barnacles", that one I know is from Spongebob.

And I can't begin to tell you how many times he says "Thomas, Max and Ruby, or Mickey Mouse are coming over to our house".

I know there are more but of course I can't think of them now. He's such a fun and silly little boy with a very good imagination. I love this age! Though we could do without the stubbornness and tantrums, they are few and far between but when they happen, watch out!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Big Boy Bike

Jackson has been riding his Big Boy bike lately. At first he was a bit afraid and would only ride it in the basement. It didn't take him long to get use to it and he started crashing into the wall or into other toys in the basement so we decided to give it a try outside. He loves the fact that he can go fast!

Can you see his tongue out? He's concentrating. :)

He has a horn, just like Wubbzy.

Off he goes.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Week of Firsts

Our little boy isn't so little any more. Over the past week Jackson has had many firsts. Some big, some small, all significant to me. I've come to realize just how much he has grown. I'm happy and very proud of him, he has come so far. But as a mom I am also a little sad to see my baby grow so fast. I may have gotten a little camera happy but first times only happen once.

It all started with him taking his very first pony ride while we were at the zoo. He loved it! Get ready Mary & Terry here we come. :)

Jackson & Norman

Okay this wasn't a first but was too cute not to include. They were chasing each other around the playground and then she stopped to help him down off the slide. It was adorable!

His first time "real" bowling. We had bumpers on the lanes so that he couldn't get a gutter ball. He really enjoyed this too, I'm sure we'll be doing it again soon.

The ball was a little heavy so daddy helped out. Hoping for a strike. He did get a spare!
Watching for his ball to return.

The biggest, his first day of school. About a half an hour before we had to leave I thought I was going to throw up or have a panic attack. It was horrible! I was very emotional and SO not ready for him to go to school. He wanted to take the wagon his first day and yes that is blankie that you see in the picture. He had to ride to school with us and then went home with me. On the way there we were talking about how much fun he was going to have and as we were crossing the soccer field he shouted out "that's my school", that was the first time I lost it. I broke down a couple more times before leaving but Jackson did great! We went in and met with teacher, found his coat/bag hook, his assigned chore for the day and I showed him the bathroom one more time. Then he was off to play. When it was time for me to go I went and gave him a kiss and a hug and said goodbye and he said "Bye mom. C-ya later". That was it. I had told his teacher how shy he could be and when I picked him up she said "boy, he can really get going". So I guess shyness wasn't a problem. He's looking forward to going again on Thurs. :)

On our way to school.

"I'm going to school".

His coat/bag hook.

Jackson's teacher explaining the chore chart.

Our chore for the day was the date.

Just before I left him.

Right after his first day.

His first gymnastics class. We've been to open gym many times but this was the first time he was in a class. I was a little worried that he'd run all around and not pay attention but he did great! He listened and followed instructions and even did things that he wouldn't dare do in open gym.

Jackson and his gymnastics classmates.


Doing a push-up. He did well the first few times, then the bar was moved for the shorter kids.

holding himself up

Time goes too fast!