Sunday, September 28, 2008


So it's been going on for awhile but this weekend has been an especially noisy one. It seems from the time Jackson gets up to the time he crashes at night his mouth is moving. It's my wake up call in the morning. Before I see him, I hear him. I'm not sure if he's talking to his animal friends, his baby or himself and I'm not even sure what he's saying or singing or even humming but it's my sign that he's awake. From then on I sometimes wonder if he even stops to breathe. His teacher commented the other day that she thinks he feels more comfortable in class because he is more open and vocal and he has "more energy" then she expected. Lately he's been cracking us up with some of the things he comes up with. Some I know are from cartoons but other's I'm just not sure. Here are a few:

The other day he and I were swinging then he stopped and breathed a big sigh then looks at me and says "kids". I nearly fell off the swing with laughter.

Last week after a drink or a snack he would say "that hit the spot".

A new favorite saying is "Barnacles", that one I know is from Spongebob.

And I can't begin to tell you how many times he says "Thomas, Max and Ruby, or Mickey Mouse are coming over to our house".

I know there are more but of course I can't think of them now. He's such a fun and silly little boy with a very good imagination. I love this age! Though we could do without the stubbornness and tantrums, they are few and far between but when they happen, watch out!