Tuesday, August 7, 2007


We've been home now since Sunday afternoon and things seem to be going well. Jackson is pretty much back to his old self just a little slower, which isn't bad thing. As of right now, daddy is sleeping in Jackson's bed and Jackson is sleeping in our room with me. It allows daddy to get some sleep because Jackson is still waking up quite often and has to have meds at 4am. He gets the PICC line taken out on Monday and we may try to switch back then.

He's been starting the days good. When he wakes the indention in his head is full and hard to see. As the day progresses and he is up on his feet it returns and "sinks" in. This gets painful for him and he has to lay down. The NS said it is normal and the body will have to get use to a having a "bigger" head. Until then, he has to lay down when it becomes to much. When he lays down he is fine for the most part and wants to play. Every now and again it can be too much for him and we have to give him some meds for the pain.

Yesterday he drove his tractor to the playground. I tried to get him to ride in the stroller but he said he "needed" to ride the tractor. It's been insanely HOT down here and so we've been playing inside most of the time and watching movies when he has to lay down. The neighbor kids, Suzanne and Christopher came over last night to watch Tom & Jerry with him and he had a lot of fun playing with them. It was great to do something normal again.
I've posted a couple of pictures taken since we've been home. It'll be nice once he gets the PICC line out and can use both arms again.


Jeff, Susan & Kelsey said...

How great to see Jackson's smiling face!! So glad to hear that some normalcy has returned for you guys. Thank you for keeping the blog updated as we continue to keep you all in our thoughts!

CarmenK. said...

He is so beautiful!!! I can't wait to play with him myself!

Heather said...

hi! Jackson looks soo cute:) Please give him a big hug for me!

Auntie Heather

aunt cin said...

the pictures of Jackson are very cute. he sure is a little trooper. how long does the doctor say before he will be felling back to normal and won't have to rest so much? i bet it seems very nice being back home and doing normal things like wash and cooking, things that we sometimes hate to do. we are so happy that things are going better and pray for Jackson to continue to recover from this all. give him lots of kisses and hugs from all. love ya lots, cin

Brian, Christy & Kids said...

Go Jackson! We knew it wouldn't take you long before you got your sea legs back, you are one tough cookie. Continue to get better little man and maybe we can get together and play. Charlie is excited to meet you.....