Monday, July 30, 2007

Pics to Share

It's been a couple of days since our last post and I'm happy to say that they've been good days. Not much to report. We spend the days playing in the room, in the playroom or playing fuse ball. Jackson has been his old self again. At least until one of the Dr.s or nurses come in, but we really can't blame him for that. And the best news is that we have had 4 days with negative cultures, 3 more to go.

I finally went home for a couple of hours Sat afternoon. It was the first time since we've been here and it felt wonderful! Bubba and I hung out for quite a while and then I decided to tackle the fish tank. It had been neglected since I'd been gone and one of the fish lost an eye, I was thankful that I didn't find it while cleaning.

Brandon went home a little earlier tonight to get some things done and to get some sleep. While he was there he downloaded the pictures we took up here and sent a few for me to post:
The first one is daddy and Jackson with the ICP monitor, I think the first one. The second is after the cranial expansion. #3 is Jackson and mommy, this is before the expansion when the first monitor fell out. #4 is daddy and Jackson playing fuse ball or "put the ball in the hole" and #5 is daddy and Jackson playing trains in the playroom. This after they externalized it from the chest. As you can see he is looking and feeling much better. (You should be able to enlarge them by clicking on them).


Jeff, Susan & Kelsey said...

It's good to see your faces...and with smiles too! So glad to hear he's infection free and acting like his cute little self. You're in our thoughts every day!

CarmenK. said...

Thank you so much for the pictures! I love ya'll bunches!!