Friday, July 6, 2007

Today's Events

Well since I posted this morning I thought I'd end the day with a post and try to post in the evenings from now on.

This afternoon was a little more eventfully then this morning. It started around noon when the bolt that is screwed in his head (the ICP monitor) came loose and was just sort of hanging there. Good news is that the catheder didn't come out of the ventricle but the NS had to come in and literally screw the bolt back in his head. That was something I'd rather not see again. They gave him some meds that knocked him out so he didn't feel or remember anything and he had a good nap after that.

He was a little irritable when he woke up but cheered up when daddy came in. We played catch and hit balloons and watched more Dora, imagine that. Then our neighbors came up for a quick visit and brought with them a Dora balloon. Jackson was thrilled and screamed DORA when they came in. From then on he perked up and really enjoyed playing with Suzanne and Christopher. When they left he continued his good mood and even ate a little mac'n'cheese. Now we are watching Tom and Jerry and getting ready for bed. Hopefully it'll be a good night.


Papa & Nana Barnett said...

Thanks for creating the blogsite. It somehow makes us feel better to hear from you about Jackson. Papa will see you soon and Nana sends her love, hugs and kisses to all of you.


CarmenK. said...

You guys are the best. Thank you so much for doing this site. I am so thankful to get information about my little man without bothering you. You and your family are in our prayers. Love you guys bunches!!!!

CarmenK. said...

Jackson - I love you.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.