Monday, October 13, 2008

Hydrocephalus Walk & Apple Orchard

Saturday we participated in Milwaukee's 1st Annual Hydrocephalus WALK. It was great opportunity to meet other parents who have been in some of the same situations we have been in. It took place at the Milwaukee zoo so it wasn't a hard sell to get Jackson to go. It was a fun and informative morning and we look forward to attending next year.

It was such a beautiful day that after the WALK we went to an apple orchard to do some apple picking. Jackson still won't eat an apple but had fun picking them. Today we are heading to the pumpkin patch so I'm sure I'll have pics to post after that. :)


laurieedwards said...

It looks like you guys had a great day! I'm glad you were able to do the walk.

CarmenK. said...

Looks like so much fun.I have one problem - need more pictures of MOM!

Schlafers said...

What a day!. I bet that walk was a really neat experience for your family.