Saturday, December 4, 2010


It's been awhile since my last post. I guess we've all been pretty busy and it isn't as easy to find time to update this as much as I would like. Jackson continues to do well. He absolutely loves school! His favorite classes are art, gym and library. He did well in soccer this fall and even scored his first goal!! YAY!! We were all soo excited and happy for him.

Both Brandon and I have been keeping busy at work and bowling has started back up again. It's only once a month but it's time we have together with some wonderful friends and is soo much fun!! For Halloween, Jackson was Iron Man at school but for Trick-or-Treating it was so cold that he used last years costume and was a lion. Thanksgiving was spent here in WI, just the three of us. Jackson and I watched the Macy's Parade and he was SOO excited when Santa was on. He kept calling to Brandon "hurry dad, Santa's coming on". It was too cute! Here are a few pictures from this fall:

1st day of Kindergarten

His classroom
Jackson & Brandon hiking

Jackson playing in the leaves Playing soccer
All set for Trick-or-Treating!! Playing pass the pumpkin at school with Erica.
Mrs. Griesemer getting into the yarn spider web the class made. Brandon & I celebrating Crystal & Trey's 5th Anniversary.
Jackson's new bed.