Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!!

The Easter Bunny came to our house last night and left Easter eggs all over the back yard. Jackson was so excited this morning that he was actually jumping when he looked out. The sneaky Easter Bunny hid Jackson's Easter basket too and we had to think about where we hide things and search the house. Jackson's first thought was under his bed then under ours and then we suggested closets. He found it in the 3rd closet he checked. :) His basket was filled with: a frisbee, Scooby-doo books, Bad Kitty & Poor Puppy books, Addition & Subtraction flash cards, playdoh, bubbles, the new Alvin & the Chipmunks movie (the Easter Bunny & the chipmunks are friends you know), a new Mighty Machines movie and Jack Links sausage & cheese sticks because Jackson doesn't like candy. I love Easter!! I hope next year brings more of the same. Hope ya'll have a wonderful Easter!!

Dying Easter Eggs

On the hunt for Easter Eggs
Found a few in the Sandbox His findings
Checking out the Easter Basket Couldn't get a smile out of him w/the ears on.


Schlafers said...

I love the ears!!

Cari said...

Love the hunt...your amazing. Our Easter bunny hid them in the house.