What a busy week! Jackson had his first dentist appt on Monday. With all the other dr.s he's had to see we wanted this to be a good experience and he did great! At one point he said "Isn't this great mom". Something you usually don't hear at the dentist. After that we went and played at a new park.

On Tues he had his 5 yr well check. He is 33.4 lbs and 43" tall, 4th % in weight, we know he's probably always going to be small and he in the 50th % in height. Yay! He did however have to have two shots which he wasn't exactly thrilled about, but who is. He was very brave while getting them so we went to Target for a little present to make his arm feel better. We ended our last day of summer vacation with a picnic at a park and then fed the ducks. Tues night was also his first soccer practice. He was very excited about it, I think mostly because he was able to see his good friend Matt. They are on the same team, the Pups. I missed his practice because I had to work but I'll be sure to get lots of pics at his first game on the 10th. Yesterday was his first day of 4K and he was SOOO excited!! He walked right in and was ready for me to leave. And unlike last year I was ready to go too. It's amazing what a year can do. This year his class is all boys, poor Mrs. Raasch. Here's to a good year!
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