Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Hello! We're still here just not a whole lot going on. We went to a little train show this weekend. It was pretty small but it was a beautiful day and felt great to get out for a while. When I say beautiful it was probably about 35-40 (heat wave) and the sun was shining. It was the nicest day we've had since last fall. Anyway, Jackson was in awe the entire time. He couldn't get enough of the trains. They even had one big enough to ride. They also had an entire city with about five different trains all made out of Lego's. That was pretty impressive.

Next weekend we are off to Michigan again to see the fam. I think I've seen them more in the last 6 months than I have in the past 6 years. It's been really nice being able to go so often and to have Jackson get to know everyone.

I guess that's all for now. I'll try to post a little more often.