Today is Career Day at Jackson's school and they needed to dress up as what they want to be when they grow up. When we asked him what he wanted to be he said he wanted to "fix trains". Imagine that! :) We found a train engineer's hat and a tool belt that we filled with his tools for him to wear.
He also recently finished IEP assessment testing thru the school district and in Jan. he finished Neuropsychology testing at Children's Hospital. The purpose of these tests were to see if he was behind for his age. The results were what we expected and he is a little behind in speech, mostly his pronunciation, and in his fine motor skills. After meeting with the school district we decided that Jackson was going to start attending a local elementary school a few days a week for Speech and OT. He started last Tues and I'm happy to say that he loves it! His teacher is very nice and made the transition very easy. He now goes to school somewhere every afternoon. It's a little different not having him here with me but I think it'll also help us both adjust to next fall when he will be in school everyday, all day. I still can't believe he's going to be starting Kindergarten in the fall...where has the time gone?!?