Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Zoo Pics

The past couple of weeks have been a little tiresome. We were suppose to meet Brandon's dad & Patty in Detroit for Mother's day weekend but had to cancel because Jackson wasn't feeling well. Turns out he had a sinus infection. They prescribed some meds but they weren't quite strong enough and we had to go back in this past weekend and get something a little stronger. He seems to be doing much better and is finally starting to sleep more, YEA! We are planning to go to MI for the holiday weekend so we've been taking it very easy this week. I went out and rented 6 Thomas movies, which we watch over and over and he still doesn't tire of them. Last week we had a couple of really nice days and we packed a picnic and spent the afternoon at the zoo. These are a few of the pictures from then.

Checking out the bridge

He liked the Tiger so close.

When the goats got a little pushy he told them "Easy Fellas".

I don't know where he comes up with it sometimes. :)

He liked to feed the goats.
Sleepy Bear
Baby goose
Polar Bear
This was after oinking at the pigs.

His favorite, the train!

We are planning to go to MI for Memorial Day weekend and we close on our house May 30th. For those who haven't heard yet, we bought a house a little north of here in Jackson, WI. Our house is just off of Jackson Dr, down the street from Jackson elementary and across from Jackson Park. We'll never have to worry about Jackson forgetting where he lives. :) We'll have most of June to move in so we'll be able to paint and won't be rushed. As soon as we can we'll take and post some pictures of it. We can't wait to finally unpack!